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WoW Hunter 2v2 Arena Guide – Strategies and Best Combos

WoW Hunter 2v2 Arena Guide – Strategies and Best Combos

In World of Warcraft, the Hunter is one of the best classes to use in arenas. In this article, I will discuss the best specs, best partners, and PvP strategies that you can use to rank up in arena.

2v2 WoW Hunter Arena Specs

There are two choices for spec when it comes to using a Hunter in 2v2 arena. You can either spec Beast Mastery with a few points in Marksmanship or Survival with a few points in Marksmanship. No matter what spec you choose or class you pair up with, you will always need to put enough points in Marksmanship to get Aimed Shot. The -50% healing debuff is a key ability which you should try to keep active on your target at all times.

If your partner is a DPS class and you are running a double DPS team, you will want to spec into Beast Mastery. This way, you can use The Beast Within and Bestial Wrath to burst down an enemy player. The advantage of the double DPS team is that it is very easy to play. With decent skill, gear, and partner, you can rank in the 1800s to 1900s with little effort. It is a great way to get some points for the week so you can get some easy arena gear.

The downside to this team is that it just does not have front page potential. If you are an excellent player with top-notch gear, this team is not for you. If your partner is a healer, you will want to spec into Survival without a doubt. Explosive Shot and Lock and Load do tremendous amounts of sustained damage and can be used to slowly drain an enemy’s mana pool and eventually score a kill.

This team is a little harder to play and the success of the team is very dependent upon the skill of the Hunter. With that said, you certainly do not have to be a pro to rank highly and can even make gladiator if your gear is up to par.

Best Partners

If you are playing as a Beast Mastery Hunter on a 2 DPS team, you definitely want your second DPS player to be a caster. Casters are great because they can deal damage through abilities like Blessing of Protection, which typically wreck havoc on Beast Hunters.

An AP Frost Mage or a Shadow Priest are the best possible partners. AP/Frost is good since you can use Beast Mastery and Arcane Power to deal tons of spike damage in order to take out a player very quickly. Ice Block also helps mitigate enemy damage and increase the Mage’s survivability.

Shadow Priest makes a good combo because it can Dispel and use Mass Dispel. This is invaluable as the Shadow Priest thwarts crowd control attempts and can be get rid of Blessing of Protection and Divine Shield. If you are playing with a healer, the Paladin is the ultimate healer. Blessing of Freedom and the Paladin’s survivability and sustainability complement the Hunter very well. A Priest is also a good partner and Hunter and Priest combos make gladiator every single season.

I have seen Shaman and Hunter teams rank well, but I would not recommend this combination. The Hunter needs a partner that can dispel crowd control abilities. Otherwise, the Hunter will spend half the game in a Polymorph.


In a 2 DPS team, the strategy is very simple. After engaging the enemy, use all your timers and attack an enemy player with everything you have (preferably attack a DPS class). Use crowd control abilities on the other player and try to kill the enemy outright. Do not use your timers before going in as you do not want your enemy to simply avoid you while your abilities are running

In a Hunter and healer team, the strategy is to outlast the enemy. Constantly use Viper Sting on the enemy’s healer and put out steady damage. It does not matter if you attack the healer or the DPS player, just make sure you put out steady damage to drain the enemy healer’s mana. Use your pet to keep the enemy healer in combat if he tries to drink water for mana. Eventually, you will run the enemy out of mana and be able to kill one of the players.