
Elite Esports

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Why Gamers Love Verizon FiOS Internet

Why Gamers Love Verizon FiOS Internet

Verizon FiOS Internet service is a great service for serious gamers to use because it gives gamers the speed and power that they need in order to take on the toughest challenges in the games they love. Gamers need the best Internet service possible in order to get the most out of their games. Gamers that play MMORGs and other games that are very graphic heavy need a huge amount of bandwidth and speed in order to be able to participate in high action adventures.

Most of the time traditional cable Internet connections just aren’t fast enough. Without an Internet connection like Verizon FiOS, your bandwidth might get swamped by all the graphics and popular Internet games people love to play. Games can become frustrating and hard to play if the internet connection is not solid, resulting in internet connection interruptions because the Internet service that they’re using can’t sustain a high speed connection.

Verizon FiOS is different from cable Internet because it uses powerful fiber optic cables that run directly to your home instead of relying on traditional cables that use the same technology as old landline phone systems. Can you imagine trying to play one of today’s modern high intensity digital games or MMORG games on a dial up connection?

If you’re using an Internet connection that relies on the old framework of traditional land line phones, like cable Internet service, then you might as well be trying to play on a dial up connection. Modern video games are designed to play on fact and reliable Internet connections like the Verizon FiOS high speed internet service. The fiber optic cable used by Verizon FiOS acts like a huge pipeline that can accommodate massive amounts of information and data which make it much easier and more fun to game.

Gamers that play MMORGs like World of Warcraft and participate in group events and raids have to have the kind of power and speed that Verizon FiOS Internet service provides in order to get to the top of the game. When your fellow gamers are depending on you, a dropped Internet connection can mean the difference between winning the battle or everyone on your team dying.

In MMORGs, high level raids and battles can have as many as 20 people or more per side that are all doing battle at once. That can cause a lot of confusion and a lot of congestion on the network servers. If you don’t have a strong Internet connection that is going to keep you in the game, you could end up getting dropped at a crucial time which might end up making your team or guild lose the raid or the battle.

You can’t get to the elite level and participate in group events unless you have the reliability and strength of the best Internet service out there, which experts agree is the Verizon FiOS Internet service. Pro gamers recommend using an ultra powerful Internet service like FiOS if you want to get to the pro level as a gamer.