Since eBay’s inception, people have home-auctioned their possessions to “The World’s Online Marketplace”. eBay began by selling a single, broken laser pointer (the first item sold by the company). The company quickly evolved into selling many other mainstream as well as outrageous auction items, including the “Virgin Mary grilled cheese sandwich”. People are willing to sell almost anything on the site. eBay groupies search the darkest regions of their homes for goods to sell. In addition to used items, companies use online auctions as a backdrop for driving revenues by selling new goods and personal services, things people have traditionally bought in a brick and mortar environment. A seller can sell almost anything on eBay; however, for the most part all alcohol is banned. The question is: why can’t we sell our wine collections on eBay?
eBay’s explanation to this question is simple. In their own words, the company states that: “We want to make sure buyers and sellers understand and follow all laws and regulations concerning the sale of alcohol. Certain alcoholic products are prohibited by law and could harm members, so these products may not be sold on eBay.” Their point is that they do not want to be the pivot point of a transaction that could be illegal nor do they want the liability from the fallout of someone’s illegal actions. Alcohol laws regarding selling and transporting change all the time and differ in each state. The myriad of laws and the potential litigation from someone disobeying those laws is not worth the risk – they have done the numbers and the numbers have said it is not a good return on investment factoring in the inherent downside that comes with lawsuits aimed at large companies.
Varying state laws prevent people from selling alcoholic beverages, such as wine, online and across state borders without authorization. First-time and inexperienced wine sellers therefore cannot sell without going through a legal bureaucracy. eBay, however, allows “a small list of licensed and vetted sellers to sell wine according to strict federal, state, and local laws.” Still very few wine sellers are able to make it onto that list.
The bottom line is that only a few can sell their wine collections on eBay, and the approval process can be lengthy and frustrating. Alcohol licenses, identity/age verification, sales licenses, and countless other issues abound, and individuals are effectively precluded from selling wine on eBay.
The best way to sell your wine collection.
Find a reputable wine buyer online; request a quote and determine which wine buyer makes you feel most comfortable, and go with that one.
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