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Toad Exercise

Toad Exercise

Toad Exercise aka ‘Hama Gong’ uses weights as apparatus. This is the Shaolin Temple Secret Fighting Exercise or ‘Kung’ most compatible with Western Weight-Lifting and Weight-Training methods. Strengthening and developing all parts of the body, Hama Gong relies purely on External Physical Strength, Power Training and Effort for results, aided by key visualisations.

Technical Analysis

The wrist, arms, shoulder, back and abdomen are the first-exercised body-parts, using an upright stance. Next come the legs and thighs, requiring a Horse Stance (Ma Bu) instead. Previously, circular stone weights and bamboo ‘bars’ were used, their inbuilt flexibility encouraging development of the Kung. Whilst nowadays, traditional metal bars collars and gym-weights suffice, a successful alternative esoteric training variation, from a noted ‘Kung’ exponent is also outlined (below).


Late, lamented, Honourable ‘Longfist’ Grandmaster Leong Fu, (1) (2) Changquan ‘Si Jo’ (Style Founder), from Ipoh, Malaysia, famously used huge natural stones of irregular size and weight to assist development of this and other related ‘Kungs’. Si Jo Leong Fu was also World Middleweight Wrestling Champion, for 3 consecutive Years 1959-62, before retiring undefeated in 1963, an awesome testimony to such Kung’s effectiveness, the strength and versatility of Grandmaster Leong Fu and the potency of his teachings and training methods..

Stage 1: Strength Development

Concentrating strength in the arms and wrist, students lift bar and weights overhead repeatedly (as above) until tired. Progress to the next stage when this can be performed easily.

Stage 2: Transporting Strength

Make fists with your hands and imagine you are gripping and lowering a heavy weight. You will feel strength flow into this area as you do and flow back up into your arms and shoulders when your grip is released. Rest, relax and then repeat this exercise.

Next, perform the exercise using the chest, abdomen and other body-parts in turn, as specified above. Regarding the legs and thighs, horse-stance (Ma Bu) practice whilst holding the weights should come first. Holding, using visualisation, imagining the weights are still being carried, before lowering this imaginary weight, should then follow.

Appropriate use of visualisation is essential at this Stage. Each time, perform the exercise once, rest, relax and repeat it again.


Once Toad Arts/Hama Gong has been successfully achieved strength can be instantly transmitted, at will, to any of the body-parts thus trained. Masters of this Art are very difficult to attack as they can concentrate strength in any part or region, reinforcing this and preventing injury.


(1) Ao Tai (At’a) Changquan Grandmaster, Ever Victorious Army General, Bodyguard of Captain (later General) Charles Gordon, during the Boxer Rebellion (Tai Ping Kuo) in 19th Century China was Teacher of Grandmaster Leong Fu.

(2) Si Jo Leong Fu ‘LongFist’ Changquan Grandmaster, Three Times World Middleweight Wrestling Champion 1959-62, retiring undefeated in 1963 was Teacher of Si Gung Rex Jones, most Esteemed Head of The Fei Lung Kwan U.K. (my first Teacher) who practised ‘Kungs’ similarly.