You have played video games since you were a kid and now you want to start collecting some of those games you remember so fondly. How do you start collecting video games? Where do you look to find the best deals? And how do you know how much your collection is worth? This article will answer these questions for you and you will be ready to start your very own video game collection.
It doesn’t take very much at all to start collecting video games, you probably already have some games around your house. Those are the first additions to your collection. Congratulations. I’m sure you will want to expand it to other games too so you have to decide what you want to collect. Many gamers decide they want to start with their favorite video game system when they were younger, maybe the NES or Super Nintendo or even Atari 2600. Others focus on the more obscure consoles with lots of rare games like the Sega Saturn or Atari Jaguar. It doesn’t even have to be one console. Maybe you want to collect role playing video games or some other genre. There are tens of thousands of video games to choose from though, so it is important to have some direction when you first start off.
Now you have chosen what types of video games you want to collect. So you will need to know where to find them. One of the best places to get specific video games is eBay. They have a very wide selection of video games available so if you know specific games you are looking for it is a great place to start. Many people don’t like the bidding process though so you can also use Amazon or Half to buy online.
Physical locations might be the best shopping for your video game collection though. Garage sales, pawn shops. swap meets, flea markets, rental stores, and clearance racks all have some video games available. The prices will usually be much better than online because the sellers don’t realize they have a diamond in the rough. Look through the selections to see if they have anything available that you want. You will have to be patient to get results sometimes, but that one rare game for $3 at a garage sale makes it all worth while.
How do you know you have found a good deal though and how do you know how much your video games are worth? One of the easiest ways is to use an online video game price site like or even Amazon can be used to find the price other people are selling the game for. You can look up the game you want online and if the store is selling it for less than the online listing, you probably found a good deal. After you have started a video game collection these sites are helpful in knowing how much everything is worth too.
You should have a pretty good idea how to start your video game collection, where to find the games, and how to price your video games too. Now go out and start your collecting. Good luck!
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