League of Legends from Microsoft is a multiplayer competitive online game developed by Riot Games, set in an imaginative world. As it is a free to play strategic multiplayer game, players forms a team of 3 each or 5 each. These groups of players are called champions. League of Legends is a micro-manage RTS (Real Time Strategy). This game announced its entry on 7th Oct 2008 and got released a year later on 27th of the same month. As of latest statistics released there are 85 announced champions for this game.
Background of the game
The lands of Valoran have always been affected by continuing conflicts and Rune wars till it came to an end by the super powers creating an Institute of War. It is created to settle disputes by League of legends that have their users with magic powers compete with each other as part of a team to rule the land of Valoran. You fight the battle with your trusted champions to win the game and rule the world of Valoran.
How the game is played?
The game is played in a map area called ‘fountain’ with both the teams at opposite ends. There is something called ‘Nexus’ and the aim of each team is to destroy the ‘Nexus’ of the opposite team. Nexus is the final threat that is contained within the enemy’s base. The game will be initiated at the lowest level, Level 1 and can go on up to a maximum of Level 18. There will be obstacles kept in the form of towers called “Turrets”. There are also many other obstacles in the form of spawns thrown at you called “Minions’, attacking opposite team players those need to be killed and also some monsters that attack both the teams. When you survive these, you get extra life or ‘coins’ and also move onto the next level. Each base where these ‘Turrets’ are placed is called a “Lane”. The map area is called the ‘Field of Justice’ and the players can choose from the three available ‘Filed of Justice’ called Summoner’s Rift, Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline. Each of them differ in the number of “Lane”s it offers and the number of players that can play. Summoner’s rift allows the play of 5 players each side with 3 lanes while Twisted Treeline allows only 3 players and only 2 lanes. Crystal Scar is released for the newly developed game type called ‘Dominion’. Each team will be having a base that will have a nexus, item shop and re-spawn point. There will be turrets in the lane engaging enemies. Once a team destroys a turret, it is permanently destroyed that can’t be revived in that session. There will be minions also battling the enemies in the lane. There are also some other type of elements called ‘inhibitors’ for each team. If a team kills the inhibitor of the opposing team, minions with more power to destroy the opposing team will be spawned. The destroyed Inhibitors can be revived after a certain amount of time.
Even though Leagues of Legends is a session based game, the persistent element in the game is the ‘Summoner’ who tracks the statistics of the game including the scores of each player. ‘Summoner’ can influence the game of play by gaining experience points and influence points from each session (battle) of play. They go to the next level of play with these points. Other than ‘Summoner’ that can influence the game, there are also Masteries and Runes that affect gameplay in certain ways. The store in the base of each team can be used to purchase additional options by the ‘Summoner’. It can be purchased either using real money or through points earned during the game.
To achieve extra points or ‘gold’, each time has to destroy ‘monsters’ that reside in the jungle. These bonus achieved by killing ‘monsters’ can be used to the team’s advantage in gaining more power for the attack on the enemy or for taking away some power of the enemy. There is also another element called ‘brush’ in the game that can be used to set up ambush against the opposite team. The first team to destroy the opposing team’s nexus is the winner of the game. The game can also be decided by a voting system if one of the team surrenders. This can happen only after certain amount of time since the game starts and it varies depending on the ‘field of justice’ you are playing in. It is 20 minutes for Summoner’s Rift and 15 minutes for Twisted Treeline.
Different modes of Games
This game can be played in 5 different modes such as following
Tutorial Mode: As the name indicates this mode played in offline session is for new players to get a feel of the game. They will be familiarised with basic understanding of the game including the aim and the controls of the game.
Normal Mode: In this mode players are matched by the automatic match making service either individually or as part of a team. A game is automatically created after matching all the players and players are put into each team so that both the team has equal chance of winning the game. The players are matched purely based on their EIo rating.
Co-Op Vs.AI Mode: This game is played against a team of computer controlled champions called ‘bots’. The game matches each player based on their average Elo rating. In this mode player can be matched either individually or as a team. This mode allows only 5 player team and can play only in Summoner’s Rift map. There are two difficulty levels in this mode, beginner and intermediate.
Custom Mode: As this game is a session based game, players can create sessions according to their liking and other players can join this game from the list of games. Players have the option of setting password or setting a limit on the number of players that can play and also adding champion bots.
Ranked Mode: This mode can be played only by players in very high level.
So what are you waiting for? Get a fastest progress, join the multi-player online battle arena and be one among the award winners in this 3D fantasy game.
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