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Phantom Of The Opera Tickets – The Longest Running Show On Broadway

Phantom Of The Opera Tickets – The Longest Running Show On Broadway

The Phantom of the Opera became the longest running Broadway production ever when it overtook Cats on January 6, 2006 with its 7486th performance. The world premiere of the musical was on September 27, 1986 at Her Majesty’s Theater in London. The first Broadway production opened on January 9, 1988 at the Majestic Theater. The Phantom of the Opera has been made into a major motion picture as well. It is perhaps the most popular musical in the history of Broadway.

The story of Phantom of the Opera revolves around three major characters. One is a facially disfigured genius musician and composer who wears a mask to hide his deformity and is known as the Phantom that haunts the Paris Opera House. He is enamored by Christine Daae, an opera chorus girl whom he takes under his wing and trains her to become a fine opera singer. Christine is in love with Raoul, whom she has known as a child and whom she rediscovers at the Paris Opera House.

The story begins with a scene in 1911, with Raoul as a seventy year old wheelchair bound man who is present at the auction of objects of the Paris Opera House. The auctioneer explains the relevance of a chandelier on display in relation to the Phantom of the opera and then the scene shifts back to the Paris Opera House in its heights.

We see the prima donna Carlotta at a rehearsal for the opera, Hannibal, when suddenly a backdrop falls, nearly killing her. There are cries of “It’s the Phantom” and she refuses to sing after that. Christine is then asked to perform by her friend who is the ballet teacher’s daughter. Raoul sees her there and recognizes her as his childhood friend. He wishes to take her for dinner but she refuses saying her music teacher will not permit it. After that we discover that her music teacher is the Phantom himself who is obsessed with her.

The rest of the story progresses with her love for Raoul blossoming and the phantom’s rage at that. In the end, Christine is kidnapped by the Phantom who asks her to stay with him forever or he would kill Raoul. Her decision brings with it the end of the story of the Phantom of the Opera.

The musical is directed by Harold Prince with haunting and unforgettable music composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber who also wrote the script. The cast includes Howard McGillin as the Phantom, Jennifer Hope Wills as Christine and Michael Shawn Lewis as Raoul. The show has won over fifty awards including three Olivier Awards and seven Tony Awards, including Best Musical.

The Phantom of the Opera tickets are in high demand even after so many performances. To get your tickets at the best price your best option would be to contact the box office at the Majestic Theater where it has been running for the last nineteen years, the only Broadway production to do so. Your other options include ordering tickets on the phone or online.