The United States Of America citizen feels that games is a part of their life while developed countries such as the United Kingdom and Japan would feels that Games is high prospects to gain profit either in domestic level or internationally. Games is very influence in human life at this time. Games means in reference to computer, Console video such as playstation, PDA and also Telephone Hand-sets.
ISDA ( Interactive Digital Software Associations ) has made analysis about two years ago and found that games became life tradition of the United States people be it individual or other places such as home, hotel, in the aircraft, when playing internet, by EXPO also known as E3 collecting big producer to develop games all over the world. Many producer and games developer is centered in United States a part from Japan.
using PDA and Telephone Hand-sets. The United States people always follow-up the games development, for example through EXPO games such as Electronic Entertainment
There are many factor found by IDSA from their analysis as follows:
a) About 10 to 11 hours per-family playing games.
b) Games always ONLINE with Internet in the United states
c) Respondents claimed that games is very good and satisfactorily entertaintment rather than watching television and cinema.
d) PC is more useful to play games while it applies email falls to number two.
e) Genre games is more acceptable either Console or PC games is more actions and sports.
Japan or popularity known as Nation of the raising sun producing number of games equipments. Like Sony is a great name in entertaintment especially in games. Likewise the character in the games became more interesting and its cartoon such as POKEMON became more popular. The fast development in wireless technology such as I-mode became games one of entertaintment very popular. Individual is free in playing game although through Telephone hand-sets which is 3 inches in size.
You might want to know how many Video games Viewer in Japan? According to CESA analysis ( Computer Entertaintment Supplies Associations ) in 2002 found out Video games viewer were about 23.6 millions or 25.6% Japanese people would very much in Video Games.
For computer technology there is good competition between audio equipment producer such as speaker and card-sound became computer games. It quality is very high through competing with graphic card producer became a good factor for computer games.
Because game is became part of life tradition in most other countries it is very profitable to the nation. For example and through analysis and research markets company found that the marketing games eletronic in year 2000 were up to 60.1% comparing year 1996 with only 27% the market value totaling 2 billion Pounds Sterling durations from year 2001 to 2005 which shows good prospect and use demand in game industry.
The demand is too high from people around the world making very good competing among Console games producers. Competition by console producer found to be high quality of its products from three games producers in the world like Sony, SEGA and Nintendo. Microsoft also produce its console known as XBOX which is acceptable in the world market.
In fact games doesn’t count age. On beginning of playing games is only for youngster ages only 12 and 18 years old. At present day, ISDA reports majority playing games either PC games or Console is between 18 and 35 years of age. This is a factand may be due to heavy works or study where games is medium to ease tension. To end this article, I wish to quote from the words of Douglas Lowenstein, Presiden of IDSA that is games the mind of Intelectual, to entertain and to educate us in our wellbeing.
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