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How To Kill Murmur – The Final Boss In Shadow Labyrinth – World Of Warcraft

How To Kill Murmur – The Final Boss In Shadow Labyrinth – World Of Warcraft

This essay will explain how to kill Murmur; the final boss in Shadow Labyrinth. If you follow the strategy described below, you will find him to be a fairly easy encounter.

For those that are just working on Karazhan attunement, you do not need to kill Murmur to acquire the quest item. Simply move left along the wall and you will be able to reach the fragment without having to engage Murmur. Make sure that all party members are nearby before you summon the elite. If a player is too far away, they will not be able to loot the quest item and that can be extremely frustrating as that player will have to complete the entire instance again.

Prior to engaging Murmur, everyone should know this boss’s special abilities. They are as follows:

Sonic Boom. This is an AOE attack that takes a few seconds for him to cast. If you have “view targets spell casting bar” turned on in your interface settings, you will see when he begins to cast this spell and that should allow you enough time to move away from him and avoid taking damage. If you get hit with Sonic Boom, it will do damage equal to approx. 75% of your maximum health and will reduce your movement speed by 90%.

Touch of Murmur. This is a debuff that is placed on a single, random party member. After ten seconds, it will explode and launch the affected player into the air. Everyone within the blast radius will be silenced for a few seconds along with taking approx. 4,000 points of damage. Touch of Murmur is unavoidable. It’s best to either have the affected player immediately move away from the party or simply position everyone so they won’t effect any other player if they happen to get the debuff.

Resonance. Murmur will cast resonance if you fail to keep at least one player within melee range. If he casts resonance, it’s a wipe. The debuff does nature damage and increases nature damage taken.

Party positioning

Your healer should stand alone, and be positioned to either the left or to the right of Murmur. The tank will stand directly in front of Murmur. Ranged DPS should position themselves on the opposite side of your Healer. Melee DPS should stand behind Murmur throughout the fight. It’s very important that the area directly in front of Murmur be left open. Only your tank should be standing there, and nobody should be standing behind the tank. The reasoning behind these positions will become clear in a moment.

Step by Step for engaging Murmur

1. Your tank engages Murmur where he stands. By the way, Murmur is fixed in position. He will not move throughout the entire fight.

2. The moment your tank engages Murmur, the rest of the party should begin DPS. You do not need to wait for aggro to be established.

3. When Murmur begins to cast Sonic Boom, your melee DPS (who is positioned directly behind Murmur), should run straight forward and try their best to avoid getting hit by it. Your tank should not move and will need to be healed through each Sonic Boom.

4. Depending on your player class, when you get Touch of Murmur, do the following:

If your tank gets Touch of Murmur, he should not move. Your healer should heal your tank through it. However, all other melee DPS will need to run straight forward to the area in front of Murmur and get away from the Tank to avoid taking damage.

If your healer gets Touch of Murmur, she should just keep healing the tank and stay right where she is standing. If your healer is properly positioned by herself, it should not affect other party members. She will need to heal herself after the explosion.

If ranged DPS gets Touch of Murmur, they need to keep shooting/spell casting. They must keep their DPS maxed at all times. Do not run, it won’t do any good. It’s more important that you continue to DPS. After the explosion, they will need to bandage and/or take health potions. If they are properly positioned, they should not harm anyone else.

If melee DPS gets Touch of Murmur, they need to immediately run forward to the clear area in front of Murmur. If they are not fast enough, they will wipe your party by killing the tank.

If you follow the above strategy, Murmur is a very easy kill. The less melee DPS you have in the party, the easier he gets because nobody has to move when they get Touch of Murmur, and the overall DPS will be constant throughout the fight.