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Dungeons and Dragons and the Ouija Board Opens You Up to Real Demon Possession

Dungeons and Dragons and the Ouija Board Opens You Up to Real Demon Possession

The game Dungeons and Dragons has been around for many decades and seems like an innocent enough board game, just like the Ouija Board that you can use to communicate with spirits from the other side.

Most people who play Dungeons and Dragons secretly want to believe in the world of spirit and do not believe playing a board game can in any way harm their soul. Yet this is not the case. In this game, spells are cast and demons are conjured, all in the name of acquiring more power and victory over your gaming opponent. What the majority of people who play this game do not know is whenever they cast spells or conjure up demons they are giving the “green light” for demon spirits to enter their soul.

In the following quote from Dr. Shakuntala Modi’s book, “Remarkable Healings” who has healed many patients from spiritual demon possession, we see how dangerous it is to “play with the devil”. Dr. Modi: “Sometimes patients reported being possessed by human or demon entities while playing with a Ouija Board, channeling, doing automatic writing, or sitting in a séance. Playing with conjuring games such as Dungeons and Dragons and Demons can also open people up for possession. Dave, a fifteen year old male, had a demon entity who claimed to come in when he was playing Dungeons and Dragons.”

You may dismiss this believing only a small number of people are possessed by demons. Yet this is not the case either. The vast majority of souls on earth have been infiltrated by earthbound or demon spirits due to holes in their aura and a fragmented soul caused by emotional, mental or physical trauma over the course of their many lives on earth.

Our recommendation is that if you do not wish to be possessed by demon spirits that you stay well clear of the Ouija Board or any game that requires you to cast spells and conjure demons. As the old saying goes, when you play with fire you will get burnt. These dark spirits are waiting patiently for the right opportunity to join with new human hosts, and they do this subtly, using a method called “partial possession”. This means the demon spirit can gain entry into your soul undetected, and give you the impression that it is a part of your normal fear-based human ego that is already negative in nature. How will you know the difference? You can’t, and that is the point. These dark entities do not wish to be detected within you, which give them time to silently work on your soul over a long period of time, causing you to make more and more poor choices, stealing your light and your ability to love and receive love.

To purify your soul of existing demon entities and protect yourself from future possession, we encourage you to read the information on the below mentioned website. Please note that the angels of Light offering spiritual protection, cannot protect you if you are using your free will to actively cast spells and conjure demon spirits.