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Black Ops Perks Explained 2

Black Ops Perks Explained 2

I have recently wrote an article on the 1st set of perks available when playing CALL Of Duty Black Ops, that article got a lot of interest and because I’ve been asked for more information on the Black Ops perks then I will now provide you with more information on how to be an extreme killer on COD Black Ops.

In this article i’m going to explain to you what exactly the perks are in the second class and what they do.

Perk Slot 2


The hardened perk is a favourite of mine and allows the player increased bullet penetration. This means that if an enemy is hiding behind a wall or inside a building then shooting at the object protecting them will more than likely result in a kill. Bullet penetration shouldn’t be confused with the amount of damaged caused by a shot though as the amount of damage will stay the same.

Hardened Pro

The pro version of this perk is very useful and has two added effects that will help your game play. Hardened pro will allow you to be able to cause more damage to enemy aircraft and vehicles. You will also notice that the amount of recoil produced by each gun is minimised. Hardened pro is a really good perk to have and use.


Now I’m not a big fan of the scout perk, however that’s probably because I suck at sniping. The scout perk is aimed at people who love to snipe as it gives them the ability to hold their breath for longer when aiming down the sight of a sniper rifle. The only reason why I have used this perk was to unlock the pro version simply to unlock it, however you will never find me using this perk.

Scout Pro

The scout pro perk does all of the above and also enables you to switch weapons faster. This perk once again is aimed at snipers who want to switch to their secondary weapon as quickly as possible when in close combat shooting.

Sleight of hand

Now this is another perk that I love. When I use a weapon that takes a long time to reload then I use this perk to cut reload times in half. This is useful when you’re using a gun that has either a short magazine or one that takes a long time to reload.

Sleight of Hand Pro

The sleight of hand pro does all of the above and additionally allows you to look down the scope around 50% faster than before. This perk has no effect on guns that don’t use a scope though.


Modern warfare 2 players may remember this class as “Bling” and it’s exactly the same as this class which allows you to carry two weapon attachments. I quite often like and use this perk when I’m using the AK47-U gun. I attach rapid fire and a grip to make this weapon an impressive killing machine.

Warlord Pro

Warlord pro is a bit of a disappointment if I’m honest as it allows you to carry an extra primary and tactical grenade. I don’t really see the need for this and personally would like another gun attachment.