
Elite Esports

For the Ultimate Gaming Experience

Best PlayStation Strategy Games

Best PlayStation Strategy Games

Sony Computer Entertainment brings you Resistance Fall of Man, a game all about how the US and England team up together to help defeat this alien band of parasites that come together to take over England. Now, in this game, there are lots of stunning graphics as well as scenes of the dangerous and out of this world looking Chimera, some scary alien type parasitic peoples that will try and kill you. Their forces are in Russia and they are planning to breed multitudes and come after you, so you must use skill and cunning and some major action sequences to defeat them once and for all.

2K Games brings you Sid Meier’s Civilization Revolution, a game where you can choose between sixteen different worlds such as America or China or Germany or Russia or England and you can colonize them. First you create a special team like an army and then you get on a ship just like they did in days of yore and then you defeat your enemies as you plan to take over the entire civilization. And you build your world and have a chance for adventure and quests as you head for world domination while you build the world that you would like to see ruled by you in the way that you would like it to exist. This game is great for people who love history because you get to go back and change it or repeat it and then enjoy the results.

Another game is by Sega of America Inc who brings you Thor the God of Thunder, a game that is all about the god Thor who tries to defeat the Norse gods as he uses his mythical strengths and skills to do it. If you enjoy myths and the ancient culture of the gods and goddesses and if you liked the motion picture based on the comic, then you might really take heart with this game because it has all kinds of action sequences and effects and aspects you might really love.

Two other games are Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 and also Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six, both of which are action packed games that you might really enjoy if you like to pick your own characters and get them custom set up for your own combat. The fact that you can pick your own characters shows that you have a very personal kind of connection and influence on the fame and it will feel more real when you win or lose. Both games use lots of fight sequences and themes that center around fighting and violence and adventure so maybe this is the game for you.

Lastly, Gundam Crossfire is ny Namco and it is all about war in the future where high tech type lasers and other devices are used to command and fight down various things so that you can attack and halt and gather and dash and do a number of other things while you fight the Zeon forces and at the same time update and customize yourself.