The Kettler Outdoor Ping Pong Tables are as varied as their players. All of these tables come in both blue and green finish to fit your personal needs. Paired with their customizability they are known for their durability and resilience. They have also been constructed out of a special mixed aluminum composition making them the most durable in the world.
The most affordable of the outdoor stands is the Riga Pro, which sells for approximately 569 dollars. Although just because it is the least expensive one it does not mean this piece is without features. The table has been properly engineered to withstand whatever abuse Mother Nature as well as any player could inflict upon it. The most noticeable feature on all Kettler stands is the dimpled aluminum that makes up the underside of the playing surface.
With the metal being treated in such a way it is protected against both expansion and contraction due to the elements. When it comes to training and practice these products are second to none, each Kettler stand has individual folding sides which means either side can be locked upright into a playback position and allow for a single player to practice solo. The folding sides also aid in the storage of the table.
Both the Nordkap and Stockholm tables are next in terms of cost as well as overall quality. Each of these tables will run approximately 600 dollars. The main upgrade in terms of table build when it comes to both the Nordkap and the Stockholm is a redesigned frame and chassis which makes the overall structure of the table stronger.
These two products have oval steel tube legs and a heavy gauge steel tube frame center. Additionally the entire chassis is properly treated to prevent against any sort of rust or corrosion as well as surface scratches. The number one feature when it comes to quality and price on the Kettler Outdoor line is the Magnum model. This stand will retail for 879 dollars or more, however with that price tag comes an extensive list of features and a top quality design fit for the most avid enthusiast.
The magnum is made up of a 7 or 8 inches thick aluminum encapsulated wood playing surface, cut to the 108x60x30 specifications but once the initial Kettler similarities are past you see why this is the top of the range product. The lines of play have been silk screened on to keep the table completely flat rather than having slightly uneven play with lines that had been painted on. The Magnum stands tall and stands strong on its 2 inches square steel legs supported by heavy gauge steel tube center frame.
For every player there is a Kettler Outdoor Ping Pong Table and it is just matter of matching the right product with the right player and make sure all their needs are met.
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