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Are the Myth Runeword’s Features in Diablo 2 Worth the Runes Required to Make It?

Are the Myth Runeword’s Features in Diablo 2 Worth the Runes Required to Make It?

Myth is a Runeword that is created in Body Armor and is considered a cheap Runeword to make due to the fact that the highest Rune required is Hel, which is a semi-rare Rune, and the other two Runes are both common Runes. With the +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels, it is apparent that this armor Runeword was designed with the Barbarian in mind; other classes will find that Myth offers them too little in terms of benefits.


3 Socket Body Armor

Runes (in order): Hel + Amn + Nef

The Stats:

Level Requirement: 25

3% Chance To Cast Level 1 Howl When Struck

10% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking

+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels

+30 Defense Vs. Missile

Replenish Life +10

Attacker Takes Damage of 14

Requirements -15%

3% Chance To Cast Level 1 Howl When Struck

Howl is one of the Barbarian’s many Warcries. It causes monsters to retreat, running away from the character (note: it does not work on Players).

This is a nice mod for Barbarians who are in danger of being mobbed by a large group of monsters. If this triggers, the Barbarian will get some breathing space, and can consider turning tail and coming back later if the mob is too tough.

10% Chance To Cast Level 1 Taunt On Striking

Taunt is another one of the Barbarian’s Warcries. It forces monsters (and does not affect Players) to engage in melee combat with the Barbarian, thus is useful against monsters that cast spells or long-range missile attackers.

It also slightly reduces the target’s damage output and its Attack Rating. A Level 1 Taunt decreases both the target’s damage output and its Attack Rating by 5%. This may not seem a lot, but one can say that every little bit counts in Diablo 2’s Hell Difficulty. Also, with the conditional trigger set at 10% On Striking, this mod will trigger a lot, since Barbarians are a melee-happy class.

+2 To Barbarian Skill Levels

This mod, and the affordable price to create the Myth Runeword, is what makes the armor attractive to Barbarians.

Replenish Life +10

Replenish Life will increase the Life Recovery Rate of Myth’s wearer. This can be increased dramatically if they are wearing or have equipped other items that have the Replenish Life mod, as the effects stack.


Given its low price tag and low level requirements, Myth pays off well enough with its +2 to Barbarian Skill Levels. The lack of boosts to All Resistances really hurts it though, even though one could argue that a Barbarian can tough that out by placing points in his Natural Resistances Skill (which adds permanent bonuses to each of his Elemental Resistances). All in all, Myth is definitely an affordable and viable placeholder body armor until something better comes along.